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ur kamper kitchen is open to anyone, but is especially useful for our kabin and tent guests. It has 3 sinks with hot and cold water and 3 electric cook tops. It is a nice place to sit and watch your children play in the playground or get together with friends to eat. If your group wishes to reserve the pavilion, just let the staff know a day or more in advance. You may reserve the kamper kitchen for a maximum of 1 1/2 hours. This allows our kabin and tent guests timely access to cooking facilities. The wind curtain makes the kitchen much more user friendly and we have upgraded the lighting system.


Thanksgiving is a big deal at Oregon Dunes KOA. We serve between 85 - 140 people for dinner in our kamper kitchen. We ask that you bring 2 dishes that will serve 8 people each and an empty stomach ready to have a big feast. We provide the turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, yams, soft drinks and coffee. No one ever goes away hungry. Thanks to our great campers we manage to get it all done with limited staff. Special thanks to the Harshman and Base families for their extra special efforts. The McHenry and Jackson families also are a big help during cleanup and of course the Jackson's always win our site decorating contest!!!! It was especially incredible having our great campers with us this year since it was our first holiday without my Mom. I know many of you also lost loved ones this year and you are all in our prayers. We can't thank all of you enough for the great year you have given us!

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